MiniLyrics for Windows

A little addon for many various songs players is called Minilyrics. Your treasured songs’ songs are displayed by the service as they are being played. When configured, the plugin launches when you launch the media player of your choice from the Minilyrics dataset, which is large enough to accommodate the smells of the majority of people. Numerous internet gamers, such as itunes, Winamp, and Windows media player, are supported by Minilyrics.

Included in the important functions are:

  1. supported by a wide range of media players.
  2. trawl for and update songs mechanically.
  3. trawl for phrases by hand.
  4. a sizable dataset of lyrics.
  5. around skins
  6. sustain across platforms.

If you really enjoy songs, Minilyrics is a fantastic little product. The song libraries is extensive, and there is strong support for various marketing individuals. Possibly downloading lyrics allows you to view or listen to routes online. Although Minilyrics is independent, there are some obnoxious membership memories.




For Skylights, Minilyrics 7.7.49
Dimension of a submit:
2.09 Kb.
  1. Windows Xp,
  2. Windows 7.
  3. Windows 10,
  4. Using Panels 2003
  5. Windows 2000,
  6. 98th Skylights,
  7. Windows Vista,
  8. Windows 8.
Cultures that are available:
  1. English,
  2. German,
  3. Spanish,
  4. French,
  5. Italian,
  6. Japanese,
  7. Polish,
  8. Chinese
most recent revision:
Wednesday, August 12, 2023
Llc called Crintsoft