In a competitive loan market where many borrowers and lenders exist, this is quantified in the spread on a debt obligation, which reflects the market’s best pricing for an obligation’s risk. To facilitate frictionless stablecoin trading alongside risk-free returns for liquidity providers, the Ethereum-based Curve Finance makes use of liquidity pools and special bonding curves. This DeFi protocol also manages to achieve efficient stablecoin trades with the StableSwap invariant, which considerably reduces slippage compared to other invariants. Being one of the leading lending protocols, Compound enables its users to effortlessly execute lending and borrowing operations with different cryptos such as Ether and Dai. Check out the video below to learn more about decentralized exchanges and how to use them effectively.

Decentralized finance examples

For instance, instead of creating VaR models to predict an unknown counterparty’s risk, one can train fine-grained models directly on historical market participant data. The prior trades, transfers, and borrowings of a user are all public and provide direct insight into their behavior. However, the technical complexity of such models is much higher; one must carefully ensure that a model’s mechanics and predictions match the exact execution of the smart contract used. Moreover, there tend to be more principals/agents in DeFi, as we replace a single trusted entity with many untrusted entities coming to a consensus.

This is exactly why DeFi protocols are often referred to as advanced “money lego”. DeFi’s performance in 2020 has put the entire crypto market on notice. With assets locked increasing in value, even some traditional crypto companies are looking to cash in on the hype. In September, the top crypto exchange KuCoin confirmed that it had suffered a hack that saw $150 million in bitcoin and ERC-20 tokens transferred from its hot wallets. Days after the event occurred, blockchain intelligence software Elliptic crunched the numbers and found that the exchange had actually lost about $281 million. You can take out a Maker loan, for instance, without any identification or credit score.

A DEX leverages smart contracts to allow investors to convert ETH into ERC20 tokens, and vice versa. Technically, the age of decentralized finance started in 2009 with the birth of Bitcoin as it enabled individuals to store and transfer funds over the internet in a completely decentralized manner for the first time. However, what we refer to as DeFi today are decentralized, smart contract-powered applications on top of a blockchain that aim to replicate traditional financial services. Decentralized lending and borrowing platforms are regarded as the most remarkable developments in the DeFi landscape. The most outstanding examples include, Compound, Aave, and MakerDAO. These platforms let users supply and securely lock their funds into smart contracts from which other users can borrow and pay interest without any intermediaries involved.

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Think of customized FinTech solutions with tamper-proof transactions and storage, progress transparency and automation — and we’ll make them see the light of day. Connected Devices Aching to handle digital and physical asset management? Cognitive Computing Engage a team of machine learning solutions engineers, data science experts, and other AI software development pros to implement your product. The Dharma app has been specifically designed to help people effortlessly get on board the DeFi bandwagon by connecting wallets directly to fiat bank accounts. Thanks to Dharma, even those who have not been engaged in the crypto sphere before can easily learn how to earn interest on different stablecoins.

Decentralized finance examples

The term “Decentralized Finance” covers financial services carried out on a blockchain. It involves taking traditional elements of the financial system and replacing the middleman with a smart contract. We can also describe it as the merger between traditional banking services with blockchain technology, in layman’s terms. A decentralized exchange, or DEX, leverages smart contracts to allow investors to swap one token for another. With over $7.4 billion in assets under management as of April 2021, Aave is one of the largest lending protocols in DeFi. With Aave, users can use a cryptocurrency like Bitcoin as collateral and receive a stablecoin loan or flash loan at attractive interest rates.

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As these tokens can be traded in the secondary market, an incentive structure is created where investors can earn substantial returns in the form of protocol tokens for contributing as much capital to a protocol as possible. The DeFi market is currently a playing field for experienced crypto investors who understand how to interact with smart contracts and manage multiple digital assets. This directly impacts the price of MKR, often to the detriment of investors. While this reduces risk to the platform and the DAI-USD peg in normal times by providing a direct mechanism to influence supply and demand, this can increase tail risk when supply and demand become severely imbalanced. Adverse selection in the decentralized financial world looks similar, but not identical.

Before we dive into specific protocols, let’s quickly cover two aspects of DeFi that caused such a massive interest. If an investor places ETH into the Compound protocol to earn interest, for example, there is the possibility that an ETH price drop offsets all yield earned, leaving the investor with a loss. However, if the same investor uses a stablecoin, such as USDC, the value of the underlying asset would remain stable so the yield would remain unaffected by crypto market volatility. Unfortunately, the Ethereum ledger cannot handle the high number of transactions it is processing, as DApp usage exploded in 2020, mainly due to the boom in DeFi. As a result, transaction costs — known as “gas” fees — and transaction processing times have increased substantially on the Ethereum network, reaching the highest since 2017 this August. You can find some simple examples for solidity based smart contract development projects within the smart-contracts-development folder.

Decentralized exchanges such as Uniswap, 0x, and Kyber enable trustless P2P trading. They connect cryptocurrency or token buyers and sellers directly across a global liquidity pool. Normally, in the traditional financial system, users have to receive permission from a verified intermediary to execute the necessary transactional operations. With DeFi, though, users don’t need to wait for bank approval and can access a wide variety of financial services directly.

Money markets Compound and Aave are two major platforms to farm DeFi yields. Investors looking for more yield than traditional fixed-interest investments — such as savings accounts, money market funds, or bonds — can digitize their funds to earn above-average yields in the DeFi market. Arguably, the easiest and safest way to do that is to tokenize US dollars into USDC, which can then be used to deposit into DeFi protocols. In the current overcollateralized paradigm, the primary embedded risk in the lender-borrower relationship comes from improper collateral valuation and liquidation. Liquidation is largely decentralized, with platforms relying on third parties to liquidate collateral as-needed in exchange for fees.

What’s more, Synths – the protocol’s synthetic assets – are collateralized by the Synthetix Network Tokens known as SNX. All in all, Synthetix plays a tremendous role in the entire DeFi space since it grants better accessibility to traditional financial assets and a variety of advanced trading strategies. As well as this, Curve serves as a decentralized exchange for trading cryptocurrency assets.

So far, hundreds of trailblazing projects have been successfully delivered, each of them carving a niche for itself in a vast DeFi space. Let’s check out some of the top DeFi projects in 2021 to see what DeFi is capable of. The majority of DeFi tools, on the other hand, allow users to connect directly to services using just a wallet. Jimmy is a U.K.-based freelance journalist covering blockchain and cryptocurrencies. When not immersed in the daily events in the crypto scene, he can be found watching legal reruns or trying to beat his Scrabble high score. The DeFi industry faces the same growing pains as the crypto space as a whole.

Insufficient Liquidity

For example, is the balance of a user sufficient to continue with an ecommerce purchase? While there are certain operations where the wrapper service holds risk, in general, most risk is still borne by intermediaries and issuers. Furthermore, while technology and artificial intelligence have greatly assisted certain capabilities like lending, the end process tends to be far from automated.

Decentralized finance examples

Platforms like Binance and Coinbase are popular examples of centralized exchanges. In other words, the buyers and sellers trust the central authority to keep their digital assets safe. Balancer is an autonomous market maker protocol that rewards liquidity pool participants with its governance token, BAL, on top of pool fees. The more protocol participants contribute to a pool, the more they will earn in governance tokens, which is a prime example of liquidity mining. DeFi protocols Balancer and Compound, for example, reward liquidity providers with protocol-native tokens for participating on their platforms.

While decentralized lending and borrowing protocols have emerged and grown substantially, so have the more traditional centralized services built on top of crypto capital markets. Services like Genesis, BlockFi, and even Coinbase, have rolled out crypto-backed loans for both institutions and retail investors. According to CredMark, at the end of Q4 2020, there was $25.6B in crypto collateral on $13.3B of active debt — this is on top of what’s already locked up in DeFi. Dharma is a user-friendly savings protocol and money management app that enables crypto investors to earn yield on their digital asset holdings. Built on top of the Compound protocol, Dharma provides an app that allows users to manage their Ethereum tokens and invest them in DeFi protocols to earn investment income with the click of a button in their smartphone app. Much like traditional market-making rebates offered by some U.S. equity venues, protocols often operate at substantial loss, especially initially, to incentivize liquidity, which in excess can lead to inefficient pricing.

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The investor can borrow the funds for as long as his Borrow Balance does not exceed his Borrow Limit, at which point his position would be partially liquidated. Arguably the most talked-about trend in today’s DeFi market is yield farming. Ethereum will not be the only blockchain network that houses DeFi protocols. The DeFi movement is arguably one of the most promising markets in the financial technology sector, but that does not mean it is not without its challenges.

  • On the other side of the lender-borrower equation, are individual or institutional liquidity providers who earn a percentage of the interest that is paid back by the borrower.
  • This helps to add liquidity while retaining exposure to the underlying asset.
  • This moral hazard often occurs from information asymmetry; the fund manager has free rein to take riskier bets simply because she knows more about the true state of fund investments than the fund’s investors.
  • DeFi opens everyone to the financial system irrespective of income, race, wealth, culture or geographic location.
  • This means that DeFi still has a long way to go before it can ensure frictionless functioning and wider adoption.

As you can see, DeFi can exert a powerful impact on various facets of the financial world, and we should expect decentralized finance to gradually make its mark on many more segments. Alongside its multiple benefits, DeFi does have some drawbacks which are chiefly related to the underlying blockchain technology. Given that the majority of existing DeFi projects are based on the Ethereum blockchain, it makes sense that DeFi shares many of the same challenges as Ethereum, including poor scalability and sluggish transaction speed. With a stable internet connection, anyone can easily access a DeFi platform. This means that even those who were previously unable to enter the financial sector (the so-called unbanked) can now become players in the game.

Exchange Features

DYdX – a decentralized exchange for trading perpetual futures that is built on Starkware, a layer 2 scaling solution for Ethereum that offers users a more cost-efficient way to trade. Getting a loan in the traditional financial system can be difficult and time consuming. In DeFi, getting a stablecoin loan only requires a few minutes and another digital asset to post as collateral. Loopring – Because Ethereum’s gas fees are a major obstacle for smaller traders, Loopring launched a decentralized exchange on layer 2 using zkRollups. Layer 2 solutions offer users cheaper transaction fees without sacrificing the security of Ethereum. Unsurprisingly, digital dollar stablecoins are becoming increasingly important assets in the DeFi lending markets.

The Defiprime Post #108: Your Weekly Defi News In Bite

In the beginning, Yearn’s creator gave the tokens out to investors who had deposits in key liquidity pools. With DEXs, users can connect directly with one another to buy and sell cryptocurrencies in a trustless environment. Assets traded under DEXs are never held in an escrow or third party wallet, as is done with centralized exchanges.

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Decentralization has proven to be the most alluring feature of cryptocurrencies and their key selling point. Bitcoin was created in 2009 as an alternative to traditional finance and financial authorities Open Finance VS Decentralized Finance like banks. But while bitcoin was intended to function as money, many limitations still exist. Bitcoin’s functionality depends on a network of new central authorities that keep the wheels turning.


Compound and Dharma are two examples of the convergence of fintech and crypto, where crypto-native applications enable simple savings solutions. Tomorrow’s DeFi market will allow anyone across the globe to access a decentralized, global financial marketplace that provides all the services traditional financial institutions offer. While an evolving topic, it still largely mirrors the risk found in traditional financial instruments. Broadly, these dimensions can be segregated into systemic risks, or risks that impact a large part or all of the DeFi ecosystem, and idiosyncratic risks, or risks that impact a single protocol or group of protocols. Though idiosyncratic risks by nature tend to be unique to a specific platform, exposure to systemic risk factors may also differ substantially per platform. Given the scale of traditional credit markets, there exists significant incentive for both parties to try to achieve the best deal, which comes from properly measuring this risk.